ePON с BDcom commands

show running-config db-onu EPON 0/1:1 – Показва настройките на офлайн онуто
epon reboot onu interface ePON 0/1:1 – рестартира онуто
show epon interface ePON 0/1:1 onu port state – порт статус
show epon interface ePON 0/1:4 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnosis – оптично ниво
show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis interface ePON 0/1

  epon onu port 1 ctc vlan mode trunk 1 207,226,228

Where 1 is a VLAN without a tag, since I do not need it, I specified standard 1, and after a space, you can list all the necessary VLANs with the tag. And also do not forget to specify the desired VLANs on the Uplink and EPON ports of BDCOM:

interface GigaEthernet0/5
switchport trunk vlan-allowed 207,226,228
switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
switchport mode trunk
interface EPON0/3
switchport trunk vlan-allowed 207,226,228
switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
switchport mode trunk

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